Discover Untapped Potential with B2B Website Traffic using Lead Onion

Are you fed up with the limited visibility you have into your website traffic? If your answer is yes, you are not alone. As per industry statistics, only about 2% of businesses visiting your B2B website actively engage by filling out a contact form. 

That leaves a whopping 98% of visitors who drop by, browse around and then silently leave, without giving you any way to reach out to them. But worry not, because Lead Onion’s Website Intent tool is the solution you need. 

This blog will take you on a journey of discovery and mastery of this powerful tool.


Understanding Website Intent  

Website Intent is a powerful integrated tool that will help you identify what companies are actively looking at your website. 

It enables you to turn website visitors into named businesses with our industry leading business IP address data intelligence. 

Lead Onion’s Website Intent has the ability to provide a breakdown of: 

WHEN your website is being visited

WHO is coming to your Website at company level

WHAT they are viewing and their actions

And the missing piece to the jigsaw, the contact level data from the target contacts in those companies you want to get infront of.

Not to mention times and are they a new or returning visitor. 

You can filter results based on various criteria, including website intent source, which allows adding additional sources for more detailed results; industry, for running industry-specific campaigns; employee range, for targeting specific company sizes; and locations, for geographical targeting.

Additionally, you can drill down to specific states or cities, refine results by all company locations or just the headquarters, and narrow results by date range.


Turning business IP address data into rich intelligence for every aspect of your marketing and sales 



With Lead Onion’s Website Intent tools, you can create your own source of ‘first party' B2B marketing data in three simple steps to success:

Integrate: Integrate the Website Tracking Code into your existing website and have access to the largest business IP address database in the world.

Obtain rich data insights: Track all companies visiting your website and reveal their identity and firmographics in real time.

Turn data insights into prospects: We take it a step further by identifying the number of contacts at a company matching your target persona/s and enabling you to use your data credit to reveal them – so you can turn them into prospects.

To illustrate the effectiveness of Website Intent, let’s explore 5 key use cases that demonstrate just how invaluable this tool can be in a real-world setting.


1. Create Your Own Source of First-Party B2B Marketing Data 

Your own 'first-party' B2B data is the difference between merely observing the 2% of website visitors who fill out a contact form and truly understanding the actions and intentions of the other 98%. While this silent majority may not directly engage, they are actively exploring your offerings, perhaps weighing you against competitors, and forming a buying decision.

Website Intent isn't just about counting visitors; it's about illuminating who these businesses are, revealing their engagement pattern and seizing the chances they present. Without this visibility, you're essentially navigating in the dark, missing precious opportunities every time they leave your site.


2. Propelling Your Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaigns Towards Greater ROI

PPC campaigns are akin to fuel for your business growth, albeit expensive fuel. If you're investing in PPC or any form of paid advertising, you're undoubtedly seeking ways to supercharge your results.

Ordinary analytics can offer you a glimpse into the numbers, but Lead Onion's Website Intent presents you the whole picture – business names, contact information and much more.

Imagine running a PPC campaign for a new product. Traditionally, you'd rely on form fills on your landing page to gauge interest. But the silent explorers who come, browse, but leave no trace also hold potential. With Lead Onion, you can track these silent visitors, capturing their business contact details, and thus, broaden your prospect circle for follow up communications.

Access to such 'first party intent' data revolutionizes your lead generation process, enabling you to engage even those prospects who would otherwize have remained hidden. 

If maximizing ROI from your PPC spend is your goal, integrating Lead Onion Website Intent into your strategy can be a game-changer.


3. Use Website Intent to Win More New Business

Consider arming your B2B sales team with high-intent prospects, opportunities that have proven to convert at rates more than five times higher than outreach or cold calling. You can with Website Intent.


4. Achieve Maximum Sales Pipeline Impact

Did you know that approximately 71% of inbound inquiries are left to wane? When these businesses re-visit your website, it's as if a neon sign is flashing with 'Ready to Buy'.

Imagine you're the owner of an IT solution enterprize. An earlier inquiry remained silent post the preliminary engagement, but now, they're revisiting the website, browsing through your latest cybersecurity solutions. With real-time alerts, you're quickly informed. Your team swoops in, re-engages with specific insights about the latest product they've shown interest in, and – bang! You're back in business, rekindling the conversation at the perfect time.


5. Win Back Previously Lapsed Customers

Reviving connections with past customers can pave the way to noteworthy business revenue. Implement personalized strategies to woo back those who have wandered, amongst your website's traffic, and witness a significant boost in your business progress.

Picture this: You run a software solutions firm and one of your former clients, who'd opted for a different provider, now browses your site checking out your new module. What an ideal time for you to remind them of your superior services with a personalized welcome back message!



Lead Onion’s Website Intent, combined with a strategic approach, can significantly improve your sales and marketing results. By understanding who is visiting your website and what they’re interested in, you unlock a wealth of opportunities. Whether it’s personalizing sales outreach, optimizing your PPC campaigns, or nurturing your B2B prospects, this tool enables you to drive your business growth and achieve your goals more effectively.

Using Lead Onion’s Website Intent gives you the power to transform anonymous web traffic into a source of business growth. This tool is not just about counting visitors; it’s about unlocking a wealth of insights into who your visitors are and how best to engage them. But remember, the journey doesn’t stop here. Keep experimenting, learning, and adapting to keep pace with the ever-evolving digital landscape.

So, why wait? Equip yourself with the power of Lead Onion and transform your website into a potent engine for business growth. 

Start your free trial today and get ready to see how Lead Onion can boost your success!


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