The 5 Pillars of Buyer Intent: Data that Converts
If you want to grow your business, you need to know who is in your target market. Identifying buyers that fit your ideal customer profile is essential for targeted prospecting and successful conversion. From low, all the way to high-intensity signals, buyer intent is the best way to gauge your prospect’s interest in your business. […]
Best Practices for Data Driven Sales Strategies
In today’s data-rich B2B landscape, it is easier to access data on your buyers than ever before. From your own first-party data, which your organization collects in-house to second and third-party data provided by external sources, the insights you can collect are limitless. B2B decision-maker preferences and behaviors have shifted dramatically in recent years with […]
How To Fill Your Funnel with Fresh Leads Daily
For many businesses the ability to generate leads and prospect at scale is vital to their survival. Gone are the days when buying lists of contacts for five and six figure sums was the only solution. Today, that approach simply doesn’t work. By the time your sales team begins interrogating these lists much of the data […]
Interpreting Buyer Intent Data for Prospect Scoring
Once you’ve subscribed to a Buyer Intent engine and data begins filling your dashboard, it’s knowing how to interpret it that will prepare you for making a strategy. With only 46% of sales professionals using data insights to gauge when a customer is ready to buy, there’s an opportunity to use your data to your […]
Revenue Marketing: Breaking Down Sales and Marketing Silos for Increased Revenue & ROI
Since the beginning of time (ish), Marketing and Sales cross team relations have been a little strained. This historically testy relationship stems from both cultural and economic misalignment. The benefit of syncing these two powerful teams, not least in terms of ROI, is often overlooked. According to Philip Kotler et al, “When sales are disappointing, […]
Optimize your Content Marketing Strategy with Buyer Intent Signals
Is your content marketing data driven and market intelligent yet? Are you getting in front of the right audience, but your timing is off? Intent data is highly beneficial for content marketing teams, informing content development and distribution efforts at every stage of the buyer’s journey. Appeal to “ready-to-buy” prospects Buyer Intent Data, put simply, […]
4 Reasons Why Automated Marketing Matters
Marketing teams are the creative hub of a company. So understandably, there are some marketing professionals who are resistent to the idea of automating their marketing strategy. But automating your marketing plan doesn't have to mean taking out the creative element behind the campaign. Here are 4 reasons your team should consider automating their marketing […]
5 Ways to Make Your Marketing Memorable
Digitial marketing has made it easier than ever before to reach your target audience. With social media, email campaigns, and targeted ads, marketers have never had more opportunities to reach so many consumers at once. However, more opportunity also means more competition. According to We Are Social's 2020 report, the average person now spends as […]
Buyer Intent Data and Screen-time
Time Online It's no surprise that over the past year, people have spent more time online than ever. Working from home, video meetings, digital social interaction- all of these things have become a necessary fact of live for many of us. “You're on mute” has become the most common phrase to anyone working via Zoom. […]
Buyer Intent Data During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Marketing during a Pandemic Business owners and team leaders know how difficult it is to prospect good sales leads, even during normal periods. During unpredictable times, when the world is economically and socially uncertain, it can feel overwhelming. The Covid-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way we live, work, and interact. For many businesses, it […]