What is Research Surge? The Ultimate Intent Signals to Drive Sales Success

The difference between closing a deal and losing out to a competitor often comes down to one thing: timing. Imagine if your sales team could engage with potential buyers precisely when they’re ready to make a purchase. With our new Research Surge feature, this isn’t just a possibility—it’s your new reality.


Introducing Research Surge: Your Secret Weapon for Real-Time Engagement

Research Surge is more than just a tool; it’s your strategic advantage. Powered by our cutting-edge intent tracking system, Research Surge doesn’t just collect data—it deciphers it. By monitoring and prioritizing the online behaviors that signal active interest, this feature highlights when an account’s research activity spikes, signaling they’re likely in the market to buy. 



Seize the Moment with Real-Time Alerts

In sales, timing is everything. Research Surge equips your team with real-time alerts, ensuring you engage with prospects at the moment they’re most receptive. No more guessing games or outdated data—just timely, relevant outreach that hits the mark every time. By striking while the iron is hot, you maximize your chances of converting leads into customers.


Intelligent Ranking: Prioritize the Leads that Matter Most

Not all leads are created equal, and in a sea of data, it’s easy to lose sight of the most promising opportunities. That’s where Surge’s intelligent ranking system comes into play. By analyzing intent spikes—behaviors that indicate heightened interest – Research Surge categorizes leads into distinct stages of the buying journey, from initial curiosity to in-depth evaluation. 


These stages include:

Initial Stage: The buyer starts exploring general information and concepts related to their needs.

Interest Stage: The buyer’s focus narrows, showing growing curiosity about specific products or solutions.

Active Stage: The buyer is deeply engaged, comparing options, reading reviews, and evaluating vendors—triggering multiple intent signals across various sources.

In-Depth Stage: The buyer is conducting detailed research, indicating they are a high-priority, in-market account.

This granular understanding of the buyer’s journey allows your sales team to tailor their outreach strategy to each stage, ensuring your messaging resonates at every step. 


Maximize Conversions, Drive Sales Success

With the combination of real-time engagement and intelligent lead prioritization, Research Surge transforms your sales strategy into a finely tuned machine. By focusing your efforts on the leads that are most likely to convert, you can streamline your sales process, boost efficiency, and ultimately drive higher conversion rates. This feature empowers your team to be more proactive, more strategic, and more successful.


How Does Research Surge Work at Lead Onion?

Here’s how Research Surge delivers unparalleled insights and efficiency:

  • Surge Percentage: Get a snapshot of market activity by seeing how many companies are experiencing a research surge. A higher Surge Percentage indicates a hot market with plenty of potential buyers ready to make purchasing decisions.


  • Quick Reveal: Streamline your sales process by instantly retrieving contact data for prospects within surging companies. Effortlessly add them to targeted lists, initiate outreach, or integrate them directly into your sales pipeline with just a few clicks.



  • Create A New Search: Expand your reach within high-interest accounts by uncovering additional prospects. This function digs deeper into organizations to retrieve contact-level data, ensuring you don’t miss any opportunity within a surging account.



  • Target Persona: Zero in on the most relevant contacts within companies displaying intent signals. Focus your outreach on key decision-makers, influencers, and stakeholders who are most likely to impact the buying decision.




In a world where buyer behavior is constantly shifting, having the right tools to track and interpret intent data isn’t just important—it’s essential. Research Surge gives you the insights you need to engage with potential buyers at the perfect moment, turning intent into action and opportunities into successes.

Don’t let potential deals slip through your fingers. Equip your team with Research Surge and watch your sales soar.


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